About Us


Todd and Hunter

Hunterworks has been in business since April-2003. Hunterworks Inc. designs, makes and resells accessories for Utility Vehicles.

We are a family owned and operated business with only 6 total employees. Our latest hire was my son, Hunter, as shown on the right in the image above. 

Even though Hunterworks is a small business we have become the industry leader in UTV clutching. We started in this business building accessories for JD gators and doing it all right at home. Over a period of time we began to grow and were not able to keep up with demand. We started moving into other UTV's which kept our growth up. What we do now is find products that meet our quality standards and we bring them to you via the web. We also design and prototype products. Once the prototypes are done, we have several companies build our products for us. They ship them here and we ship them out to you. Other companies waited to jump on the UTV accessory bandwagon and are playing catch up, some are really big companies who now buy from us. We are constantly building business relationships with companies to bring you the best there is to offer. Don't underestimate our capability on account of our size, Hunterworks Inc. carries a big stick.

We put the "U" in UTV and we do it because we love this business.

Hunterworks Inc. has gained a reputation for providing "The Best On The Planet" products. We will only sell items we already use or would use. We are only interested in quality products that will make our customers happy; we're not just trying to make a quick buck. Money is not our focus, YOU are!!

We are constantly doing research and development on new products that will enhance your vehicles usefulness.

We're different at Hunterworks Inc. than a lot of businesses you might be used to. We want you to feel like you're buying from an old friend when you buy from us. Customer Satisfaction is our #1 goal. We are constantly looking at new ways to improve our service to you because you deserve it when you're spending your hard earned money.

We have been accused of knowing more about your vehicle than your dealer, why? They have salespeople who work for an hourly wage and have so many models to learn. Presently we have products for several UTV's and we own or have owned all of them. We buy, build and install all these products on all of these vehicles to make sure of their quality and be able to answer any questions you may have on them.

We are dedicated to being the best at what we do. Go with the Best, go with a Winner, go with Hunterworks.

We believe in Honor, Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty and good old fashion deals on a handshake!!! I should have been born in Mayberry.

We are looking forward to serving you in any manor we are equipped.

If your not too tired of reading take at look at our "Our Philosophies" page

Todd Eldridge, President
Hunterworks Inc.