Can Am OEM Belts vs Hunterworks Belts

This explains as best as I can without spilling all the beans on our belts about how our belts are better than the Yamaha and Can Am belts.  This info is not the same as the Polaris belts we have because our belts differ in dimensions significantly over the OEM Polaris belts whereas the Yamaha and Can Am do not need their dimensions changed as much as Polaris does.  


We have taken the same construction we use in our Polaris belts that are doing extremely good and carrying it over to these two.  Now, are they that much better than the OEM on these two brands?  Yes they are but not as large of a margin as say our STD Polaris belt over a OEM Ranger 900 belt mostly due the added thickness.  The main reason our belts are so much better on the Polaris is mainly we are manipulating dimensions as mentioned above. 


So basically, what we are doing for the Yamaha and Can Am is taking OE dimensions, using our proven construction and using it in these belts.  Can Am as an example uses the same dimensioned belt on a ton of vehicles, don't quote me on this because the list too exhaustive but everything from a 500 ATV to Maverick.  They do have however have a belt that has a different cord in it used in the Maverick and some other models called Zylon which they have a patent on, it is supposed to be the strongest manmade fiber there is.  We feel that cord is just marketing more than anything and do not see cord failures in other types of cords. Example: Polaris RZR Turbo belts are not flying apart because they do not have Zylon in them.


On the Yamaha's, no doubt the construction used in a high HP RZR will certainly hold up in a Yamaha and for that matter any of the Can Am's too.


Can Am's X3 OE belt is made by the same company that makes the Turbo RZR and so it stands to reason they are the same belt with only a dimension change and the use of Zylon cord and that is pure guess on my part.  We are changing the dimensions slightly, it just came out a slight bit thicker for the X3 and we think better than the OEM.


So, in short, we are using a proven construction,  they will be less money than the OEM and have a warranty where the OEM does not.  Sounds better to me!!!




